Making Burnout Recovery Accessible

Uncategorized May 12, 2021



We have a FB Group!

FRIED. The Burnout Podcast Discussion Group is a place to get help and support and community on your burnout healing journey. It is the 5th arm of my accessibility plan. Coaching is a significant (and very much worth it) investment - and I realize that it is out of reach for some.
As part of my plan to help as many people as possible regardless of their financial means, I have a 5 Spoke Accessibility Plan.
Spoke 1 is FRIED itself. As a podcast, we are nearing 100 episodes that are FREE, even episodes that are over 2 years old are kept archived and available - no paywall, no subscription, no patreon, no buy me a coffee. FREE. (I am actively looking for sponsorship from aligned companies - so if you know someone, please connect us!)

Spoke 2 is The Bouncebackability Factor (my book if you're new around here). The Kindle price is just $9.99 making it affordable for nearly anyone. The Bouncebackability Factor will make you feel seen, heard, and validated PLUS give you loads of exercises that you can implement step by step to get started on your burnout recovery journey.

Spoke 3 is the 4x monthly free office hours - open to ALL on my newsletter list. This is a participant lead conversation, so bring your problems, issues, questions and we'll get them answered. 

Spoke 4 is The Resentment Journal Mini Course. This course could literally change your entire life and I could sell it for at least 3x what I'm charging, but I am leaving the price low to be sure that as many people as possible can snag it for themselves as a no brainer. 

Spoke 5 - A community to help you heal. The FB group exists because burnout healing happens faster in a community of people that understand. This is part support group, part discussion group, all a safe place for anyone who wants to join. Please know that LGBTQiA, BIPOC, and Neurodivergents are VERY WELCOME and will be protected in this space.
Please also know that when you are in a position to financially commit to a burnout healing program - if you do that with me, you're helping yourself and you're helping to support all of these various bonus supports that exist for others who are less financially fortunate. (Note: I didn't say less fortunate in general - finances are only one part of life! ;)).

If it's time for you to get 1:1 support, you can do so by booking a call here.

Please feel free to share this plan with anyone you think could benefit from it!


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The most common burnout symptoms and what you can do TODAY to combat them, all in an e-book for you, for free!